Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Hey there! Welcome to BeeTeeTalk’s FAQs page. Got questions about shipping, returns, or our products? You’re in the right place for quick answers!

Ordering and Payment

How do I place an order on

Follow these simple steps to place an order for your favorite T-shirt:

  1. Browse and Select
    • Explore our T-shirt collection on the homepage.
    • Click on a T-shirt to view details, select size, color, and quantity.
    • Add your customization or extra notes in the “Customer Note” box (optional).
    • Click “Add to Cart.”
  2. View Cart
    • Click the cart icon at the top right to review your items.
    • Click “Checkout.”
  3. Checkout
    • Enter billing and shipping details.
    • Review your order summary.
  4. Apply Coupon Code (if available)
    • Click on the link on the top left of the checkout page to enter the coupon code.
    • Ensure the discount is applied.
  5. Payment and Place Order
    • Select payment method and enter details.
    • Click “Place Order.”
    • Receive a confirmation email with order details.

    What payment methods do you accept?

    We take major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and more. You can also pay securely with PayPal.

    Can I cancel or change my order after it’s placed?

    Life happens, we get it! If you need to cancel or tweak your order, shoot us an email at We’ll do our best to help, though we can’t promise changes once it’s processed.

    Shipping and Delivery

    How long does shipping take?

    For graphic shirts:

    • United States: Standard Shipping: 6-12 business days, Expedited Shipping: 4-8 business days.
    • International: Standard Shipping: 14-28 business days, Expedited Shipping: 7-14 business days.

    For embroidered shirts:

    • United States, UK, Europe, Canada: Standard Shipping: 8-15 business days.
    • Other Countries: Standard Shipping: 8-20 business days.

    Please note, manufacturing takes 1-5 business days. While we aim to meet delivery expectations, unexpected events or high demand may affect shipping times.

    Do you ship internationally?

    Absolutely! Just select your country during checkout. Keep in mind, there may be extra customs fees.

    Can I track my order?

    Yep! Once your order ships, we’ll email you a tracking number so you can keep tabs on it.

    Returns and Exchanges

    Can I exchange a t-shirt for a different size or design?

    Unfortunately, we don’t do exchanges for t-shirts since each one is made to order. Check our size chart to get the right fit.

    What if my item arrives damaged or defective?

    Oh no, we’re sorry to hear that! Snap a pic of the issue and your order number, then email them to We’ll sort you out with a replacement at no extra cost.

    Product Info

    How do I know what size t-shirt to get?

    Our size chart on each product page has all the measurements you need to find your perfect fit.

    Can I customize the design on a t-shirt?

    Absolutely! You can customize text, upload images, and choose various options to personalize your products, creating unique designs that reflect your individual style and personality.

    Got any washing tips for the t-shirts?

    To keep your tee looking fresh, follow the care instructions on the label.


    Do you have any discounts or deals going on?

    Yep! We frequently have sales on best-selling shirts and periodic sales during major holidays. Additionally, if you’re a new customer making your first purchase at Beeteetalk, we will give you a 10% discount on your first order, with no upper or lower limit on the order value. Moreover, the more you buy, the bigger the discount! Add your favorite items to the cart and explore!

    Customer Support

    How can I get in touch if I need help?

    Have more questions? Shoot us an email at We’re here to make sure your BeeTeeTalk experience is awesome.

    Feel free to reach out if you have more questions or need a hand. Happy shopping at!